Industry News

  • How to choose the right push-in accessories

    How to choose the right push-in accessories

    There are three functions that a push-on fit is made for. First, it can be a collet that pvc thread features a metal-teethed ring grasping the pipe. Second, it can be made up of multiple O-rings to create watertight seals. And third, it can be a locking mechanism holding everything together.A large ...

    Jan 20,2021 Industry News
  • How to improve the performance of factory control valves

    How to improve the performance of factory control valves

    Control plastic valve are the key to efficiency, and the master regulators and supervisors of a plant. However, a little mismanagement and improper care and these control valves can go on a purge; diverging the entire plant from the trajectory of efficiency. They need regular maintenance,Whether ins...

    Jan 12,2021 Industry News
  • Do ball valves seal better than gate valves

    Do ball valves seal better than gate valves

    When trying to control flow in industrial applications, you want to choose the best quality of pvc ball valve and fittings.This will keep the piping secure and maintain them all in a  state for years.Even Gate valves are designed to have a flat gate closure. This closure slides in and out, or moves ...

    Jan 05,2021 Industry News
  • How to prevent pipeline freezing

    How to prevent pipeline freezing

    Frozen pipes are something homeowners pvc pipe in Kansas have to be prepared for, due to the freezing winter weather. When frozen water lines burst, they can quickly cause flooding and expensive water damage to your home. Here are some easy preventive measures you can take to help minimize the risk....

    Dec 29,2020 Industry News
  • What are the mechanical functions of the threading tube

    What are the mechanical functions of the threading tube

    The threading tube has high compressive strength, the pvc thread working pressure exceeds the threading tube, the surface is smooth, the fluid resistance is small, it does not scale, and it is not suitable for breeding organisms. The thermal coefficient is small, and the deformation is not shortened...

    Dec 23,2020 Industry News
  • How to comprehensively inspect PE gas pipes

    How to comprehensively inspect PE gas pipes

    The inspector must carry cpvc pipe out a rewind inspection of the PE gas pipe delivered by the operator. The inspection items include appearance, irregular shape, fullness of the labyrinth, number of joints, joint bundling conditions, number of meters, etc. The quality inspector must record the vari...

    Dec 15,2020 Industry News
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